Virginia is lonely. And my ward is crazy, like seriously looney bin crazy. I need some familiar faces in my life. Come visit, or better yet... MOVE HERE! Just not into this crazy ward. I don't wish that on anyone.
We will most likely be there sometime this summer! And we will for sure try to be there at least one Sunday so we can meet your nutty ward. I'm curious about them now. :)
well the RS president emailed me yesterday to tell me she had a dream she saw me fall off an overpass crack my skull and die. Another lady called about 2 weeks after we moved in to tell me she hated our ward (named the Belmont ward) she said she likes to call it Hellmont. And one older lady calls me insistently, she thinks her husband invented penicillin. And she wrote me a note in Sacrament meeting telling me that she wants to "draw near unto me"
What the?? There's gotta be some normal people in your ward. But I'm surprised even your RS president is nutty. Hang in there! And maybe steer clear of overpasses.
That is kind of hilarious. Haha. Hang in there. I'm really hoping they don't turn you nutty. Although, I guess every family does need a crazy relative. That could be you!
We will most likely be there sometime this summer! And we will for sure try to be there at least one Sunday so we can meet your nutty ward. I'm curious about them now. :)
well the RS president emailed me yesterday to tell me she had a dream she saw me fall off an overpass crack my skull and die. Another lady called about 2 weeks after we moved in to tell me she hated our ward (named the Belmont ward) she said she likes to call it Hellmont. And one older lady calls me insistently, she thinks her husband invented penicillin. And she wrote me a note in Sacrament meeting telling me that she wants to "draw near unto me"
What the?? There's gotta be some normal people in your ward. But I'm surprised even your RS president is nutty. Hang in there! And maybe steer clear of overpasses.
That is kind of hilarious. Haha. Hang in there. I'm really hoping they don't turn you nutty. Although, I guess every family does need a crazy relative. That could be you!
We already have enough crazy relatives. Good luck with your Ward. You should become RSP. Ha!
Grandma!! What a mean thing to suggest. ;)
What's mean? Saying we have crazy relatives or saying you should be RSP?
RSP! Heavens, who would want to be that?
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