Wednesday, February 19, 2014


As you may recall, Evan gave me a sewing machine for Christmas. 

Behold ... my first project!

Two little quilt (tops) for my two little girls! :) They are small and simple and skiwampus. But I'm hoping all the love that went into them will make up for their imperfections.

I spent about two weeks on the first one and two days on the second one. Haha. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but I hadn't sewn much of anything since Home Ec. in 6th grade, so I worked on the first one pretty cautiously/slowly. Once I finished it and saw that it wasn't a TOTAL disaster, I whipped the second one out with much more confidence/speed ;) Thanks to YouTube for the sewing lessons!

AND! Devyn Olsen offered to quilt and bind them for me, bless her heart. So I am done! I just have to send them off and cross my fingers!


Jill and Chris said...

Good Job Heather! They look great for your first quilts!

Katie said...

You were very ambitious for your first project! They turned out beautifully. When i feel that ambitious I'll have to get a few pointers from you. For now I'm sticking to simple projects. Great job!