Sunday, January 22, 2017

Freezer Meals & Friends

This week was pretty uneventful...

We decided we're not going to go on a cruise this year, so you're off the hook for babysitting, mom & Jenny.

Yesterday Jenny and I got together to make a few freezer meals and then we gathered with a few friends from college (from the choir we were in) and sang together. We're going to start doing that every month. So fun!

Vera had a fever all day yesterday and was pretty miserable. Today she seems to be fine! So we're grateful for that. 

I dyed my hair brown. I like it... it's not much darker than my natural color. Evan didn't notice.

I'm going to start making freezer meals regularly (I've got to make good use of my ginormous freezer!) so if anyone has any suggestions, send them my way! Bonus if they're delicious AND nutritious, but if you have to choose... let's go with delicious ;)

Warning: If Jenny offers you a homemade "gummy" ... Just say no!

1 comment:

Jill and Chris said...

Bwahaha. I laughed out loud.