Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Alden Update 7/4 part 2

I wasn't able to hold Alden tonight, but he is doing okay. He just hasn't been quite stable enough and they didn't feel like he was ready. But we still went and said hello and we saw him with his eyes open! ... for like 10 seconds. Haha. But still... That doesn't happen very often. Wish I would've gotten a picture! He is a sleepy fella, since he's fighting the pneumonia and also has been on sedatives on and off. 

The doctor ordered a "7 day watch" which, turns out, is just the amount of time he's supposed to remain on antibiotics, and the minimum amount of time he has left in the NCU. Could be longer but we'll continue to pray that he improves quickly and can come home when his antibiotics are done.

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